Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Making the Most of a Day

Today I worked two shifts but at different jobs. I spent the first half of my day as a bookkeeper and the second half as a cashier. By the end of the day I was ready for some time to unwind, and one of the ways I like to do that is by writing about my adventures. I managed to catch the tail end of the weather report on television, so I'll have to read today's news online. In some ways it's easier that way, no commercials, especially those surrounding this years elections.

Speaking of elections, it would appear that most of what we are hearing now is repetitive and unlikely to change anyone's mind about their choice. Since we were already at the high school to pick up Jenn on Monday evening, Ryan and I both decided to vote early in an effort to avoid long lines next Tuesday. It was Ryan's first time voting and the staff at the polls were most helpful in making the process an easy one for him.

Regardless of who we vote for as a nation, perhaps the one thing we can all agree on this year, is that watching the results come in on Tuesday is going to be very interesting!

1 comment:

goldengoddess said...

:) see what Virginia and I said about this post over at "Teens & Appropriate Jobs"