Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Your Best Friend Was Once a Stranger!

We all have friends and acquaintances that we have met in the usual ways, and at familiar places like school, church, the grocery store, the gym, the park, band performances, work, the daycare, and so many others. As technology has advanced so have our ways of meeting people. Since the early part of 1990 I've been learning more and more about computers.

As I began my experience online, I had the opportunity to join different discussion groups. Eventually in 2000 I joined a group on the "Oprah" website and met three women and one gentleman whom I would continue chatting with online long after our experience with the site had ended.

Two of the women; Sally and Deb, were both suffering from a disorder that kept them from enjoying their lives in the outside world. Then one year while we were all still chatting online, Sally made the trip to go meet Debbie. They had lots in common and after their trip they sent pictures. We've lost touch, but I hope they and their families are all doing well.

Next in our cast of roomies, was Coy. He was the only man in the group and a deep thinker. He was always the most quiet, but when he spoke he said the most profound things. He and I still correspond from time to time. It's almost time we get caught up. He has since we first met, divorced, remarried, had all three of his children get married, has three grandchildren and probably more by now. We had all hoped to meet somewhere in the middle of the country one day, but I'm not so sure that will happen now.

Finally, there is Sue. We are like ... best friends from afar. From our meeting in that chat room to this very day we have continued to stay in touch. We have laughed together, cried together, given each other advice, and supported each other like friends do. She is like a big sister, and we relate to so many things that go on in our lives. Though our friendship began online, we eventually talked on the phone adding a voice to the face in the photo.

As I got online last month, Sue sent me an instant message. She had a surprise. Her cousin is coming here to visit a friend of hers who lives in my town. What are the odds of that happening? It appears that she might get to come visit me April 19th through the 22nd! This would be the first time since we met online back sometimes in 2000? I can't remember ... LOL! Anyway, she should know more soon, and if she gets to come we'll have that cup of coffee!

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